CIS 2023

The Fifth Congress of Cardiovascular Imaging of Serbia is acredited as a national congress with international participation by the Health council of Serbia by number A-1-92/23 based on the decision no. 153-02-00789/2022-01 made on 13.03.2023. with 13 CME points for lecturers and 8 for participants.
Organizers: Working group for Cardiovascular Imaging of Cardiology society of Serbia

Fee: 100 Euros (+VAT) for physicians, 50 Euros (+VAT) for nurses and medical technicians (Jelena Stamenković email/tel: [email protected]; 064-298-34-18)
Accomodation reservation - Rubicon travel (Mirko Levajac, email/tel: [email protected]; 060-4141540)

CSS Announcements
ESC/ACC Announcements
"Heart and Blood Vessels" Number 4/2023

Magazine „ Heart and Blood Vessels"

"Heart and Blood Vessels" Number 4/2023

Volumen 42

Editor Slobodan Obradović

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Apply for the competition

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