Waist volume as a risk factor

Men: increased risk 94-102 cm; high risk over 102 cmWomen: increased risk 80-88 cm; high risk over 88 cm

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Recommended physical activity

Recommendation For healthy people of all ages, exercise is recommended for at least 150 minutes per week (or 5 days for 30 minutes) of moderate intensity or 75 minutes (or 5 days for 15 minutes) of intensive exercise Mild physical activity walk 4.7km / h, easy jobs in the apartment ...

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Benefit from exercise

For everyone regular physical activity reduces: Heart disease Diabetes type II High blood pressure Stroke The occurrence of malignancy Osteoporosis Obesity Anxiety and depression Different types of pain Moreover, with elderly regular physical activity reduces: Loss of ...

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Smart Goals for Advancement

Specific goals Decide what you specifically want to achieve and in what way instead of general goal setting, for example: "I'll be coming back every morning" or "I'll kick out chips." Measurable goals Set goal with numbers that can be achieved. For example: "I will eat two fruit ...

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Healthy diet

Healthy and recommended nutrition Saturated fatty acids should include <10% of total energy intake, with a substitute for polyunsaturated fatty acids Trans-fats reduced to a complete minimum and <1% of total energy input <5g of salt per day 30-45g of fibrous foods daily, ...

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Objectives of prevention of CV disease

Smoking Smoking and exposure to tobacco smoke in all forms Diet Reduction of saturated fats with the focus on taking intergral cereals, vegetables, fruits and fish Weight BMI 20-25kg / m2; waist circumference <94cm men and <80cm for women Blood pressure <140/90mmHg ...

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Fighting stress

A lifestyle that reduces stress levels: Healthy diet Physical activity: walking, tai chi, yoga, pilates Moderate alcohol consumption Do not smoke Slow down and find time for resting and relaxation Enough quality sleep Manage your time Learn to say no Take some time for yourself ...

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Proper blood pressure measurement: is always measured at the same time / day no physical activity, coffee, cigarettes half an hour before measuring Do not measure the pressure using a "bracelet" - the apparatus around the wrist Sit in a quiet room 10 minutes before the measurement The ...

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Apply for the competition

Apply for the competition

Be active and register your work for a congress or event.

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