Heart and Blood Vessels

Heart and Blood Vessels

Number 1 Year 2016

Volumen 35

Editor: Tatjana S. Potpara



Heart and Blood Vessels, 35(1/2016):

Pozdravna reč Prvog kongresa 34-og Ogranka Američkog koledža kardiologije 5 za Srbiju i Republiku Srpsku

Pozdravna reč Prvog kongresa 34-og Ogranka Američkog koledža kardiologije 5 za Srbiju i Republiku Srpsku

Heart and Blood Vessels, 35(1/2016):

„Triple Therapy” in high risk patient after primary PCI

„Triple Therapy” in high risk patient after primary PCI

Heart and Blood Vessels, 35(1/2016):6-9

Stable coronary artery disease

Stable coronary artery disease

Heart and Blood Vessels, 35(1/2016):10-14

Asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis

Asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis

Heart and Blood Vessels, 35(1/2016):15-17

Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation patients

Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation patients

Heart and Blood Vessels, 35(1/2016):18-22

Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation- therapeutic dilemmas

Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation- therapeutic dilemmas

Heart and Blood Vessels, 35(1/2016):23-27

Prikaz slučaja

Prikaz slučaja

Heart and Blood Vessels, 35(1/2016):28-31

Differential Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Pericarditis

Differential Diagnosis and Management of Chronic Pericarditis

Heart and Blood Vessels, 35(1/2016):32-35




29.03.2024 - 30.03.2024

Location: Jugoslovenska kinoteka, Beograd

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