Heart and Blood Vessels

Heart and Blood Vessels

Number 2 Year 2017

Volumen 36

Editor: Slobodan Obradović

Prognostički značaj stresne ehokardiografije

Prognostički značaj stresne ehokardiografije

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):89-95

Effect of very short-term inpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs

Effect of very short-term inpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):96-101

Significance of relative coronary flow reserve

Significance of relative coronary flow reserve

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):102-104

The meaning of retrograde coronary flow

The meaning of retrograde coronary flow

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):105-106

Električna oluja kod pacijenta nakon akutnog infarkta miokarda

Električna oluja kod pacijenta nakon akutnog infarkta miokarda

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):107-110

2014 ESC Preporuke za dijagnozu i lečenje hipertrofične kardiomiopatije

2014 ESC Preporuke za dijagnozu i lečenje hipertrofične kardiomiopatije

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):111-166

Abstract - Prognosticki znacaj stresne ehokardiografije

Abstract - Prognosticki znacaj stresne ehokardiografije

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):89-95

Abstract - Effect of very short-term inpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs

Abstract - Effect of very short-term inpatient cardiac rehabilitation programs

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):96-101

Abstract - Significance of relative coronary flow reserve

Abstract - Significance of relative coronary flow reserve

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):102-104

Abstract - The meaning of retrograde coronary flow

Abstract - The meaning of retrograde coronary flow

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):105-106

Abstract - Elektricna oluja kod pacijenta nakon akutnog infarkta miokarda

Abstract - Elektricna oluja kod pacijenta nakon akutnog infarkta miokarda

Heart and Blood Vessels, 36(2/2017):107-110




29.03.2024 - 30.03.2024

Location: Jugoslovenska kinoteka, Beograd

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