Heart and Blood Vessels

Heart and Blood Vessels

Number 3 Year 2020

Volumen 39

Editor: Slobodan Obradović

Kardiovaskularne komplikacije kod pacijenata sa COVID-19 infekcijom

Kardiovaskularne komplikacije kod pacijenata sa COVID-19 infekcijom

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):91-94

Evolucija lečenja aortne stenoze – pogled hirurga

Evolucija lečenja aortne stenoze – pogled hirurga

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):95-102

Perkutano lečenje kateterom izazvane disekcije desne koronarne arterije i desnog sinusa Valsalve sa propagacijom prema ascedentnoj aorti i aortnom luku

Perkutano lečenje kateterom izazvane disekcije desne koronarne arterije i desnog sinusa Valsalve sa propagacijom prema ascedentnoj aorti i aortnom luku

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):103-106

Prikaz slučaja “imaging” vođene re-intervecnije posle perkutane koronarne intervencije bifurkacije sa dva stenta korišćenjem “mini crush” tehnike

Prikaz slučaja “imaging” vođene re-intervecnije posle perkutane koronarne intervencije bifurkacije sa dva stenta korišćenjem “mini crush” tehnike

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):107-110

Hiperventilacioni test kao provokacioni test u angio sali

Hiperventilacioni test kao provokacioni test u angio sali

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):111-113

Akutni koronarni sindrom udružen sa okluzijom glavnog stabla leve koronarne arterije kod bolesnika sa prethodno negativnim nalazom stres elektrokardiografskog testa

Akutni koronarni sindrom udružen sa okluzijom glavnog stabla leve koronarne arterije kod bolesnika sa prethodno negativnim nalazom stres elektrokardiografskog testa

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):114-118

Dispozicija odvoda pejsmejkera kod starijig pacijenta - Reel sindrom

Dispozicija odvoda pejsmejkera kod starijig pacijenta - Reel sindrom

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):119-121

ABSTRACT - Pacemaker lead disposition in an elderly patient

ABSTRACT - Pacemaker lead disposition in an elderly patient

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):119-121

ABSTRACT - Cardiac complications in patients with COVID

ABSTRACT - Cardiac complications in patients with COVID

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):91-94

ABSTRACT - The evolution of aortic valve therapies

ABSTRACT - The evolution of aortic valve therapies

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):95-102

ABSTRACT - Percutaneous treatment of catheter-induced dissection of the right coronary artery and right coronary sinus of Valsalva and ascendenting aorta up to aortic arch

ABSTRACT - Percutaneous treatment of catheter-induced dissection of the right coronary artery and right coronary sinus of Valsalva and ascendenting aorta up to aortic arch

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):103-106

ABSTRACT - A case of imaging guided reintervention after two stents bifurcation PCI using mini-crush technique

ABSTRACT - A case of imaging guided reintervention after two stents bifurcation PCI using mini-crush technique

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):107-110

ABSTRACT - Hyperventilation test as a provocation test in catheterization laboratory

ABSTRACT - Hyperventilation test as a provocation test in catheterization laboratory

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):111-113

ABSTRACT - Acute coronary syndrome associated with occlusion of the main trunk of the left coronary artery in patients with a previously negative exercise stress test

ABSTRACT - Acute coronary syndrome associated with occlusion of the main trunk of the left coronary artery in patients with a previously negative exercise stress test

Heart and Blood Vessels, 39(3/2020):114-118




29.03.2024 - 30.03.2024

Location: Jugoslovenska kinoteka, Beograd

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