Heart and Blood Vessels

Heart and Blood Vessels

Number 4 Year 2022

Volumen 41

Editor: Slobodan Obradović

What we have learned from the Regional Pulmonary Embolism Registry (REPER)?

What we have learned from the Regional Pulmonary Embolism Registry (REPER)?

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):163-167

Calcified left main stenosis – is there a room for us interventionalists?

Calcified left main stenosis – is there a room for us interventionalists?

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):168-171

Infektivni endokarditis inicijalno prezentovan septičnom embolizacijom centralnog nervnog sistema

Infektivni endokarditis inicijalno prezentovan septičnom embolizacijom centralnog nervnog sistema

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):172-176

Cardiovascular risk in psoriatic arthritis- a new plot twist in an old story: a case report

Cardiovascular risk in psoriatic arthritis- a new plot twist in an old story: a case report

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):177-180

Peripheral artery disease - contemporary approach through case report

Peripheral artery disease - contemporary approach through case report

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):181-185

Empagliflozin-associated euglycemic ketoacidosis: Case report

Empagliflozin-associated euglycemic ketoacidosis: Case report

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):186-189

Clinical application of cardiopulmonary exercise stress test

Clinical application of cardiopulmonary exercise stress test

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):190-193

APSTRAKT - Šta smo naučili iz regionalnog registra za plućnu emboliju

APSTRAKT - Šta smo naučili iz regionalnog registra za plućnu emboliju

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):163-167

APSTRAKT - Kalcifikovana stenoza glavnog stable leve koronarne arterije

APSTRAKT - Kalcifikovana stenoza glavnog stable leve koronarne arterije

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):168-171

ABSTRACT - Infectious endocarditis initially presented by septic embolization of the central nervous system

ABSTRACT - Infectious endocarditis initially presented by septic embolization of the central nervous system

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):172-176

APSTRAKT - Kardiovaskularni rizik u psorijaznom artritisu

APSTRAKT - Kardiovaskularni rizik u psorijaznom artritisu

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):177-180

APSTRAKT - Periferna arterijska bolest

APSTRAKT - Periferna arterijska bolest

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):181-185

APSTRAKT - Euglikemijska ketoacidoza povezana sa empaglifloziom

APSTRAKT - Euglikemijska ketoacidoza povezana sa empaglifloziom

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):186-189

APSTRAKT - Klinička primena kardiopulmonalnog testa fizičkim opterećenjem

APSTRAKT - Klinička primena kardiopulmonalnog testa fizičkim opterećenjem

Heart and Blood Vessels, 41(4/2022):190-193




29.03.2024 - 30.03.2024

Location: Jugoslovenska kinoteka, Beograd

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"Heart and Blood Vessels" Number 4/2023

Magazine „ Heart and Blood Vessels"

"Heart and Blood Vessels" Number 4/2023

Volumen 42

Editor Slobodan Obradović

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